I call them friends,
speak of them pleasantly
in bubbly,
rich tones.

Still the ones close
are built of silence and shadow-
easily dissolved when the
sunsets golden glow
drapes its train over them;
They leave when it is fair,
rather than foul,
days on my eardrums
of breathe and blink,

The friend who
sticks closer than a brother
my heart forms a fist to
grip these promises
of faithful presence,
when my soul is blanketed
in lonely.

3 thoughts on “There is a Friend who Sticks Closer Than a Brother

  1. I know what you mean. The one friend who is always there, and who never runs from you, but you run to Him. I believe God is willing to communicate, but we must surrender. I find surrender is daily for me. I love reality, and how much more can you have reality when you know God, because of Jesus Christ. I wish you well, and that this Christmas season will be wonderful.

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